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Foggy moments translated into some short last form of sense​


Foggy moments translated into some short last form of sense, 2018

Fog machine, nebulizer machine, and the smell of rain.



Foggy moments translated into some short last form of sense is an immersive scented installation composed by mist and the smell of rain. In a collaboration with the Brazilian fragrance company Vollmens, we were able to mimic the smell of rain that we can experience in the Brazilian countryside. This lovely, earthy scent claims to trigger memories for all people. I can easily close my eyes and inhale the sweet smell of rain and be transported to my childhood. It brings back very vivid memories of those times​



This work was created during the residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, supported by the Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation.


Supported by: Vollmens fragrances

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